Export Fumigation Services

Biochem Pest Control  >  Export Fumigation Services

... Export / Container Fumigation Services ...

Bio chem Pest provides comprehensive and effective fumigation service to prevent an infestation of pests and damage of goods caused by insects and pests. Export / Container Fumigation is the treatment of a commodity or the container itself to eliminate the risk of pests or disease from entering or leaving the country or state. In the field of exporting, the sanitation of products is a very important major of quality which is going to be exported to other countries where pests and insects are playing the role of the culprit. They cause several damages to the good and degrade the quality of the goods which is unlikely in the exporting business. To ensure the 100% sanitized product, fumigation treatment is a wise choice to completely eradicate the problem caused by the pest and insects. We offer the premium Export / Container Fumigation Services. Rendered by us at cost effective prices, the offered fumigation services are known for their execution within assured time frame. To ensure systematic execution of fumigation services, we have appointed a team of skilled technicians.

If you are engrossed in export/import of valuable goods,  Export / Container Fumigation  is the best treatment which devoid of your worry about protection of goods from insects and pests. We are authorized to Export / Container Fumigation service provider employs proper fumigation service which conforms sanitary measure and IPPC standards by considering the right temperature and pressure respectively to the chemical used in the export fumigation treatment. In most of the cases where in wood materials are used for packing of export goods, the buyer insists supplier to fumigate cargo and asked to produce fumigation certificate along with other export documents. Fumigation is a legal requirement by the buyer in most of the countries. So fumigation certificate is issued by the fumigator by obtaining approval for fumigation from the licensing authority. Most of the countries will not allow to import goods without fumigation certificate, wherever applicable on such goods.

container fumigation services

Exporting commodities or good required higher precision of protection and fumigation is the one of the processes which assists to ensure insect and pest free commodities or containers to be assured of protection of goods from devastation.

There are several reasons which cause infestation near port like:

  • Humidity in the atmosphere causes infestation
  • Residue of insects and pest that causes infestation
  • Containers having insects from the previous transportation
  • To such a problem export fumigation treatment is right choice, has a simple, economical and effective procedure of removing insects and pests from the containers or warehouses.
  • It is advisable to employ export fumigation in a warehouse used to store the commodities before exporting and containers which are used pack commodities for exporting in the cargo.
  • Prior fumigation prevents the large fumigation expenditure and keeps your goods contamination free throughout the voyage. Methyl Bromide is commonly and widely used as fumigants for fumigation all over world.
  • Other widely used fumigants are Chloropicrin, Phosphate, Dichloropropene, Methyl isocynate, hydrogen cyanide, sulfuryl fluoride, formaldehyde etc.

There are two main ways to fumigate containers:

  • Pressure Decay – Pressure decay fumigation involves the pressure testing of the container to a value. If the container can maintain that value for time duration then the container is classified as “Gas Tight” and therefore may be fumigated without being covered with a tarp to provide a seal for fumigation.
  • Tarped Fumigation – Tarped fumigation is when no pressure decay is used or the container fails pressure decay. The container is covered with a gas proof fumigation tarp and sand snaked around all of the edges to achieve and maintain a gas seal.

We achieve shipping container fumigation service by using Phosphine, Methyl bromide.
Our professional team of Export Fumigation Services provider monitor the shipping container and employ pressure testing of the container to a value, If the container is capable to maintain the value for specific time, then the container is stated as “Gas tight” container which do not required trapping to achieve fumigation, and if the container is not capable to maintain, trapped fumigation technique employed for shipping container fumigation, wherein the container is covered using a gas proof fumigation trap and tighten with the aid of the sand snaked at the entire edges of the cover.


export fumigation services

A Professional Approach to Integrated & Environment- Friendly Pest Control